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Mental Health Awareness Online Course

  • Approved by CPD
Mental Health Awareness Online Training Course

This online course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions. The course will also provide some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.

There are multiple choice questions at the end of each unit. Those who successfully achieve the minimum mark required to pass these assessments are rewarded with a printable certificate.

An e-learning course is ideal for those who cannot get time away from the workplace and do not require a tailored course which deals with specific risks. If you do, then an open course or bespoke/in-house course will be much more suitable for your requirements.

The course comprises the following modules:

  • Module 1: What is Mental Illness and Prevalence Rates
  • Module 2: Symptoms and Strategies to Help
  • Module 3: Symptoms and Strategies to Help - Part 2

Single Licence

A person taking an online training course on a laptop computer

Individuals looking to take the Mental Health Awareness online course can purchase a single user license for £15.00 + vat. This license grants unlimited access to the course, with no time restrictions, for one user only.

Please click the link below to complete the booking form and payment online.

Once we have received this we will set-up your access to the course within 24-48 hours, and e-mail you your log-in details to the address provided on the booking form.

Buy Single Licence

Multiple Licences for Businesses

A group of employees and business professionals

If you are a business or organisation and have a number of employees that you would like to take the Mental Health Awareness online course, we offer discounts for multiple purchases, with a greater discount amount available the more courses that are purchased.

Purchasing a business license will grant the buyer administration access from where they can issue log-in usernames and passwords to their employees. This allows businesses to take advantage of the greater discounts on offer even if they do not currently know the names of every individual who will be taking the online course, which is particularly useful if you plan to grant access to employees over a period of time rather than all at once (e.g. getting new starters to complete the course). It also negates the need to fill in a massively long booking form with all their names when purchasing!

The pricing and discount structure available for mutiple purchases of this course is currently:

  • 2-9 Licenses: £14.50 + vat each
  • 10-49 Licenses: £14.00 + vat each
  • 50-99 Licenses: £13.50 + vat each
  • 100+ Licenses: Contact us for a custom quote
Buy Multiple Licences

Unlimited Usage Subscription

Online Training Courses Unlimited Usage

Take the hassle out of sourcing individual training courses by giving your employees unlimited access to all 114 online video courses (click here to view all titles) with an annual subscription.

  • The convenience of training anywhere with an internet connection
  • Keep knowledge up to date and learn new skills
  • You allocate users, giving you full control and flexibility
  • Ability to monitor each individual’s progress and check course completion
  • Make a one-off payment or pay by monthly instalments
Users Monthly Cost Buy Now
1-10 £150 + vat  Buy Now
11-25 £250 + vat  Buy Now
26-50 £350 + vat  Buy Now
51-100 £450 + vat  Buy Now
101-250 £800 + vat  Buy Now
251-500 £1,200 + vat  Buy Now
501-750 £1,500 + vat  Buy Now
751-1,000 £1,900 + vat  Buy Now
1,001-2,500 £3,400 + vat  Buy Now
2,501-5,000 £4,500 + vat  Buy Now

Mental Health in the Workplace

While workplaces today might spend a lot of time thinking about the physical safety and wellbeing of their employees, many still lack any kind of provisions for the mental health of their employees. Preparing for mental health situations can be difficult since they can manifest in a number of different ways, but, since around 70% of people with the most common mental disorders are working, it is something employers shouldn't ignore. As well as costing employers money for missed days and decreased productivity, compromised mental health can lead to accidents in the workplace and contribute toward an unsafe work environment overall. Further difficulty is encountered because unlike a sprained back which can be easily identified and accommodated, the stigma surrounding mental disorders can often render them invisible in the workplace-and when employers do encounter them they don't know what to do. How can this change?

Be aware that mental health issues are already a problem. According to an international study of ten countries, ADHD effects 3.5% of employees who in turn lose 22 days a year to sick days and lost productivity. Similarly, an approximate 6% of the population suffer from anxiety disorders during their lifetime and 6% experience depression in a given year; when it comes to the most costly health conditions for employers, depression is first and anxiety is fifth. If you didn't think mental health was a concern in your workplace and aren't making significant effort to combat mental health problems, it is more likely that you have attributed the problem to other sources. Once again, the difficulty is in the invisibility: 75% of people experiencing mental health problems aren't getting any help at all. While this may be the result of not knowing there is a problem, often it is a fear of repercussions and embarrassment if they seek the help they need.

Investing in mental health has financial returns. Certainly it would be a horrible thing if you only cared about your employees' mental health because of the financial return, or indeed any aspect of their health and safety, but it should be noted that there is a return. Businesses lose a good chunk of money every year when employees aren't treated for their mental health problems. Being in environments that don't accommodate their needs or having employers who hound them to return to work can counteract any treatment employees are receiving and lead to negative results. Just like any other illness or injury, mental health disorders take time to treat and sometimes mean altering the way an employee works whilst they deal with the issue. Pushing an employee to work in a way that compromises their mental health isn't productive for anyone.

For stress and anxiety related disorders especially, there is a lot an employer can do preemptively to make sure employees are maintaining good mental health; for example, creating boundaries between the work-week and time-off, and making sure employees are taking the breaks they need. Furthermore, employers can help employees identify any mental health problems to make sure they are treated early on, either by bringing in health care professionals to perform private evaluations or sending employees private evaluations to do on their own. Notice how I said "private" twice? Remember, even when trying to create an open culture that mental health care is a sensitive topic and employees have a right to privacy. Encouraging regular personal evaluations and creating policies which allow employees the time-off they need to treat any problems help break down barriers to real mental health in the workplace, making workers happier, healthier, and more productive.

One final word of advice: there is no quick fix for mental health problems in the workplace. Many hazard identifications and working practices are simple; if a chemical is dangerous, label it, if a desk is heavy, don't move it. Mental health doesn't work that way. Mental health requires long-term strategies and constant evaluation. It truly is a learning process but it is one that will help you as much as your employees. Ultimately, stress in the workplace is difficult to avoid, but, negotiating to find the best ways to handle it reaps long-term rewards. Maintaining a constant dialogue with employees to understand the challenges they are having in the workplace and creating an environment in which they can flourish is always going to be worth the investment.

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This online course will introduce you to some of the important techniques and theories that can help you to improve your leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

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Our manual handling e-learning course will cover issues such as describing what manual handling is, manual handling regulations, practical manual handling solutions and the use of mechanical aids.

Click Here for More Information

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness Online Training Course

This online course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions.

The course will also provide some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.

Click Here for More Information

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